David Cicero is an associate professor of psychology at the University of North Texas. He completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Virginia and his graduate degree at the University of Missouri. Prior to joining the faculty at UNT, Dr. Cicero was an associate professor at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, where he founded and directed the OnTrack Hawaii First Episode Psychosis clinic. His research focuses on the assessment of psychotic-spectrum disorders such as schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and schizotypal personality disorder.

Lee Anna Clark is the W.J. and D.K. O'Neill Professor of Psychology at the University of Notre Dame. A clinical psychologist whose research focuses on PD assessment, she is widely published and is an Institute for Scientific Information's "most highly cited" psychologists. She was a member of DSM-5's Personality and PD Workgroup and ICD-11's PD Disorder Working Group. Her research focuses on core elements of personality pathology needed to diagnose PD and how personality pathology relates to both other types of psychopathology and psychosocial disability. The has been given several Lifetime Achievement Award, most recently from the International Society for the Study of Personality Disorder, which awarded her the 2019 John Gunderson Senior Researcher Award.

Chris Hopwood is a Professor of Personality Psychology at the University of Zurich. He is the current editor of Psychology of Human-Animal Intergroup Relations and Associate Editor of Journal of Personality Assessment. His work focuses on interpersonal processes, psychological assessment, personality development, psychotherapy, psychopathology, and human-animal interactions.

Katherine Jonas, Ph.D. L.P., received her bachelor's degree cum laude from Harvard University in 2008. She completed her doctorate in clinical psychology at the University of Iowa, graduating in 2017 after a clinical internship at the Minneapolis VA. She completed her postdoctoral training in the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Health at Stony Brook, and has been licensed in New York State since 2019. She joined the faculty at Stony Brook as Assistant Professor in 2021. Dr. Jonas is interested in the assessment of psychosis prediction of its course.

Roman Kotov, Ph.D., obtained PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Iowa. Currently, he is a professor of Psychiatry, Psychology, and Statistics at Stony Brook University. He also is a director of Translational And Clinical Epidemiology (TrACE) division. He is a scientist and a licensed clinical psychologist with particular expertise in assessment of mental disorders. His research seeks to advance the understanding of psychiatric nosology using psychometric tools, biomarkers (based on blood and neuroimaging), and behavioral indicators assessed using artificial intelligence. He has served as PI of 9 RO1-equivalent projects, in addition to numerous smaller studies. His work has continuously been funded by NIH and CDC. He has published over 200 peer-reviewed articles in journals such as JAMA Psychiatry, American Journal of Psychiatry, and World Psychiatry. He he leads longitudinal studies on adolescent mental health, psychotic disorders, and PTSD in responders to World Trade Center disaster. He is the head of the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP) consortium to advance classification of mental disorders.

Stephanie Mullins-Sweatt is a professor of psychology at Oklahoma State University. The overarching goal of her program of research is to study models and applications of psychopathology, with a specific focus on personality pathology and an eventual aim of informing intervention efforts to improve the functioning of individuals with these disorders. Her program of research attempts to build a bridge between the basic science of general personality research and the clinical understanding of personality disorders (PD) integrating diverse research methodology, ranging from initial self-report, clinician surveys and measure development to more recent experimental studies, longitudinal designs, informant reports, and experience sampling techniques.

Brady Nelson is an Associate Professor, Clinical in the Department of Psychology at Stony Brook University. Brady completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and his graduate degree at the University of Illinois at Chicago. His research program uses affective neuroscience better understand the cognitive, emotional, and motivational mechanisms that contribute to the development of psychopathology. Brady also teaches the Stony Brook University graduate level assessment course and supervises clinical psychology graduate students on their assessment cases.

Craig Rodriguez-Seijas was born and raised in Trinidad and Tobago. He completed his undergraduate training in psychology at the University of the West Indies, and his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at Stony Brook University. He completed his predoctoral internship and postdoctoral fellowship at Brown University in the Methods to Improve Diagnostic Assessment and Services (MIDAS) program. He continues his program of research as an Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan in the Clinical Science area. His research interests lie in understanding dimensional models of psychopathology, and applying them to improve assessment, conceptualization, and intervention among marginalized populations, in particular sexual/gender and racial/ethnic minority populations. Craig's clinical training lies in providing evidence-based, affirming interventions for sexual and gender minority individuals. When not working, he usually spends his down time lounging on the couch with (i.e., being used as a pillow by) his dog, Diesel.

Camilo Ruggero, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist, Professor of Psychology and Director for the Center for Psychosocial Health Disparities Research at the University of North Texas (UNT). His research focuses on assessment, risk factors and disparities associated with Internalizing psychopathology, as well as their intersection with bipolar disorder symptoms. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed publications and has led HiTOP workgroup efforts to understand how to translate dimensional, hierarchical models of psychopathology into clinical practice.

Leonard J. Simms, Ph.D., studies psychiatric classification, personality disorders, psychological assessment, and applied psychometrics. He is Associate Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at the University at Buffalo. He holds a BS degree in Psychology from California Polytechnic State University and MA and PhD degrees in Clinical Psychology from the University of Iowa. He has over 90 professional publications, serves as Co-Editor of Personality and Mental Health and Associate Editor of Psychological Assessment and Journal of Research in Personality, and has been awarded the Beck Award from the Society for Personality Assessment for excellence in early career research.